Endwalker Stadium Quests

This profile will do the Endwalker Stadium quests for you. These quests provide a good chunk of experience if you're not 90, achievements, as well as a minion Golden Dhyata.


Open the profile and at the top of the profile you'll see an Entity section to place your settings in.

There are 5 stadium quest lines to complete, some of the quest lines share with other classes. Like the Carpenter quest line also allows Leatherworker or Weaver for the same quest line. First, enable the questline you want to do by replacing the 0 with a 1 and then choose the class you want to do those quests for by doing the same thing.
There's also a section for what items to buy when you cap out on white scrips, which you probably will and we don't want to waste them.

This example will do CRP/LTW/WVR quests on WVR, buying Craftsman's Command Materia IX when full of scrips:

<!DOCTYPE Profile [
<!-- Which delivery quests to do? -->

<!-- Which class should I do the quest on? -->
	<!-- Choose 1 of these three -->
		<!ENTITY CRP "0">
		<!ENTITY LTW "0">
		<!ENTITY WVR "1">
	<!-- Choose 1 of these three -->
		<!ENTITY BSM "0">
		<!ENTITY ARM "0">
		<!ENTITY GSM "0">
	<!-- Choose 1 of these two -->	
		<!ENTITY ALC "0">
		<!ENTITY CUL "0">	
	<!-- Choose 1 of these two -->	
		<!ENTITY MIN "0">
		<!ENTITY BTN "0">

<!-- Set this to what item you'd like to buy when you're near capped on Crafter White Scrips -->
	<!-- For reference, here's the top three items with Crafter's Scrips -->
	<!-- Craftsman's Competence Materia IX 		33925 -->
	<!-- Craftsman's Cunning Materia IX 		33926 -->
	<!-- Craftsman's Command Materia IX		33927 -->

<!ENTITY BuyCraftItem "33927">	

<!-- Set this to what item you'd like to buy when you're near capped on Gatherer White Scrips -->
	<!-- For reference, here's the top three items with Gatherer's Scrips -->
	<!-- Gatherer's Guerdon Materia IX 		33922 -->
	<!-- Gatherer's Guile Materia IX 		33923 -->
	<!-- Gatherer's Grasp Materia IX 		33924 -->

<!ENTITY BuyGatherItem "33923">	   
