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This botbase requires having the TeamCraft Desktop App installed and working. Please read this if you don't already have it or it's not reading the inventory TeamCraft App

TeamCraft's Desktop App has an option for Inventory Optimization which will indentify items in your retainers that can be sold, discarded or lowered from HQ to NQ. This botbase will take the json output from those optimizers and sell/discard/lower the items from your retainers automatically.

Use at your own risk. You cannot get these items back. This is not a botbase you just hit start without thinking. You need to go over all the items in the Teamcraft app and make sure you are okay losing them.

This botbase is started from the settings window NOT the normal botbase start button

Make sure you have at least 5 inventory spaces available. For lower HQ→NQ or discarding it must pull the item from the retainer into your inventory

The Optimizers

The purpose of each inventory optimizer is self-evident in each one's name. The two not supported by this botbase is Items that are duplicated across multiple containers and Items that are only used for a single recipe both are outside the scope of the botbase. The latter is good for finding items you can have Lisbeth craft to use up some mats like logs.

Getting The Json

First make sure you have Teamcraft's app working, then after selecting the TeamCraftInv you can go to the settings window where you will find a button in the bottom left to Refresh Inventories. This will cycle through your retainers so the TC app has the most up to date inventories.

Now go to the Inventory Optimizer tab in Teamcraft and you will see the window above. Expand out the optimizer you want to run with the botbase and go through each item in your retainers and make sure you want to get rid of it. If you want to skip an item hit the red eye circle button next to it. You can also enable Show ignored items at the top to see the items you have ignored. In the screenshot below I have the tinctures, AE Tickets and Fantasia ignored which means the app will not output these items in the json and so the botbase will not even see them.

Once you have gone through the items then you press the copy icon (Looks like a page, highlighted in yellow in the screenshot in the section above). That will copy the json to the clipboard and you can now go over to the botbase's settings window.

Botbase Settings and Running

Paste the json into the text box in the upper left and hit Load

The black textbox on the right will fill in with your retainers and items. They are color coded, the botbase will act on the green items and skip the red ones. For the green ones it will tell you what it's going to do with the item Sell/Discard/Lower and if the items are skipped it will tell you why.

There are some options you can customize. These settings are shared across all characters that use that RB folder.

Enable Discard Will have the bot discard and item if it can not be vendored. This includes unique and untradable item.

Ignore Item Ids Here you can click the … button which brings up a simple window to add ItemIds to ignore. This is in case you miss ignoring an item using the app the botbase will make sure none of these items are touched. In this example I have Gysahl Greens, Dark Matter 8 and the 2 fantasias (char/retainer),.

Max Stack Size This will ignore items over the set qty per bag slot. If it's set to 120 and you have 200 Iron then it will skip that item. If it's set to 1000 and you have 2 stacks of Iron that are 999 and 500 it will still sell/discard both of them since each one is under 1000.

Only First Retainer This set to true will only act on the first retainer that has items to deal with. This is for testing if you are concerned about selling so many items at once and want to see how it works on just one retainer first.

Every time you change the json or change a setting the output window will reset and the Run button will disable. You need to press Load again so you can see the up to date list of items.

When you are ready to have it run then press the Run button at the bottom and after confirming you indeed want to act on that many items it will start the botbase.

You can stop the botbase and run it again through the settings window, if an item is not there any more it will just skip it. It checks that it's on the right retainer, checks if the item matches in the location, quality and quantity received from Teamcraft. If any of those checks fail it will skip the item.

nt153133/sponsors/teamcraftinv.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/04 16:40 by manta